Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've been used to waking up early just in time to trade (before 9am), even if I have no classes (vacation!) thanks to the daily grind I had on my first trimester in grad school.  Ironically, when I planned to trade on a speculative stock like LND this morning, I wasn't able to wake up on time, missing the dramatic rise from its already high price of 1.16 to its current at 1.33. ( 14.6% rise).  I could have posted an ATO order, however, I would prefer seeing first if the stock would rise at the open.

I have also planned to blog about my readings on LND, however, slow internet prevailed once again (no thanks to SMART Bro 3g).  So this time around, as I have not updated much on this blog, I shall post my "analysis" on MER (Meralco).

I currently have about 30% cash in my portfolio, and I would like to maintain up to 3 core stocks on every trade next year.  So far, my top 3 picks for next year would be: DGTL, AP, and EDC.  These are based on their Price-to-Earnings ratio and also for the long term hold.  DGTL has been the apple of the eye of most fundamentalists, however, market sentiment hasn't catched upon just yet.  EDC is also still undervalued, however its rise is still slow for the common tsupitero.  As for AP, it has been one of the top gainers for 2010, and is posed to gain more though we shouldn't expect it to gain as big as it had before.

So going back to one of my picks for this week, MER is posed to breakout from its 206 immediate resistance, and hopefully beyond 220.


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