Friday, September 10, 2010

On a High

It was my first day at graduate school today (1st class at 1pm) so I was not able to monitor the market until its close.up:gucci handbags

Last night's DOW-J was green and so I was still expecting a longer run for EDC at 5.28.  Gen. DS declared a buy at 5.2, and so I have decided to take hold of my shares yet, cancelling my exit.  The price did go up higher at 5.37 then eventually went back down closing @ 5.26.  In hindsight, selling at my original target exit was ok, but I need to find a new target entry.  EDC's FV is at 7.54 (as of 9/8) which means the stock is still cheap. 

The market started strongly with SCC having a gap up to 134 (+4) at the opening, reaching 140 before 10am.  This is already a paper gain of 7% for me, even better than the magic of ALI.  My tipster, Gen. DS, sold at 140 and was planning on re-entering at 135.  I guess he was able to enter at 136.  Multiple entries with SCC is great since break-even can be easily achieved at a peso per share cost.  Fluctuations should have been in tenths (0.x), but just like what had happened this morning, it went by the peso.  If DOW-J would show weakness, I'd aim for at least 140, if not, I could wait until 150.  Buy the dips, 20% per decrease of 3.  Currently closed @139.

Since I already need to leave, I just posted a sell order for my ALI @18.  This was supposed to be a "delayed sale" after the intraday jump and so I have set this as my exit target.  Another surprise move at the close; if only I have set my order a bit higher than 18, then I could have been given a bonus for the 18.7 close of ALI.  DBP-Daiwa is again buying bullishly forcing the close at these levels.  Definitely not a fluke.  Let's see how they play.  I'll be waiting for the dips on monday.


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