Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 2011 Performance

I am now going back closely to my previous high with regard to the amount of my equities.  Starting around November, Philippine stocks buckled away from its bullish trend as it underwent consolidation.  I even added up on my capital at the start of the year, which in hindsight was not good timing since prices continued to go down.

Mutual fund companies posts an average of around -3% YTD gain.  Based on my COL account, my YTD gain is -0.66%, already quite close to break-even.  If I am able to maintain this rate, dividend income coming in this April would be able to lead me out of the negative region.  This is definitely a relief for me since I have experienced reaching higher losses up to more than 10% during the first 2 months.

As per month-to-month performances, cash earnings went up by 1.23% while my total equity portfolio improved by 2.62%.  Below are the list of current stocks that I have:

Core:  (Long term investment based on growth potentials and that are heavily traded)
EDC - after consolidating for many months.  It seems 2nd quarter would be EDC's time to shine.

Value: (Usually less liquid stocks but has growth potentials or is extremely undervalued)
FDC - I plan to accumulate more at 4.2 levels.  The firm would at one point, need to jack up its stock prices before its SRO.  They need to increase their float before November 2011, or else tax incentives as a listed company would be forfeited.  There are also plans for East West banks IPO this year.

PCOR - Bought this due to current prices of oil being high.  Unfortunately bought at a high, and I'm still not sure if it was the right thing to do during the time.  PCOR is more on oil distribution.  Could've explored more into oil drilling business instead (i.e. PERC)
PX - Bought this due to rumors on the PX and MA deals.  PX was relatively less risky as compared to MA, although I think MA should benefit more from the deal.  Latest news reveal that if ever the deal would push through, PX would get 60% while MA would get 40% on their deal on MA's mining rights.  Capital expenses would be provided by PX though.

AGI - Trading at a range from 11.3 to 12.  I'll take advantage of it in order to lessen my losses.


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